
Seven Friends in Bowls For Sale

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SKU: US-875585811273338 Category: Tag:


Seven Friends in Bowls

This classic toy will stay with your child for a long time, because there are always new ways to play! Even the very youngest enjoy taking the seven friends out of their wooden cups, turning the cups over, stacking them on top of each other and putting the little figures back in the cups … again and again, because this is exactly where the magic of play lies: discovering abilities and skills and doing things over and over until they become second nature. Later, the friends and cups can be color matched, and the cups used for playing shop or serving little cups of tea. Through their different colors and different types of wood, the Seven Friends reflect our wonderful diverse world as well as celebrating everyone’s uniqueness. Each one of our little hand-painted wooden figures has a different look and individual wood grain. These happy little wooden figures, made from different types of wood from trees indigenous to central Europe, are gender neutral. With no specific facial expression, they can be either sad or happy. With their simple appearance they spur on the child’s imagination instead of restricting it by offering too much detail. 

7 wooden figures in 7 wooden bowls, 15 pieces. 

recommendation age: 1+
Age Grade (toy safety): 1+

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